Now all I have to do is tell you 10 honest things about me.
1. I've worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. Tried the contacts but they just irritated me. Also found I get taken more seriously when I do wear them.
2. I haven't seen my natural hair color since I was 15.
3. I'm one of those gals who is too lazy to take off her makeup before she goes to sleep.
4. I am always in need of a vacation.
5. I haven't had a cavity since high school.
6. I used to get easily unattached to people to protect myself. Trying really hard to stop that one. Finally trying to experience the whole spectrum of emotions.
7. I think parts of me are on the autism spectrum.
8. I have absolutely no ass. (or boobs now that I am looking at them.... well maybe little bumps)
9. I have a plethora of freckles which I absolutely hate. Always wanted the porcelain white Asian skin but the Irish side won.
10. And now the honest truth, this is really hard because I think I am so boring.
Now the ones I would like to pass this on to are with the same rules of telling 10 honest things about you.:
1. Utah Savage Love her. just wish I had more time.
2. The Peach Tart She will keep you cracking up and she's very honest.
3. The Drug Monkey So good.
4. That's Why I love her just wish I could have the time to read more.
5. Bern This Always got my laughing
6. Pretty But Shallow is funny and real.
7. Mommy with a Penis is great also.
Good night all.
Well Gotta go and get some sleep. 6 AM comes early.