Thursday, April 30, 2009

Counting sheep with an AK-47

I'm tired. Just went to a meeting to support special needs children in my county. Misdemeanor is autistic and I've learned that playing nice and waiting for services through the county or the state is just not reality. So I have developed into a ball-busting, titty-twisting ball of fire.
Tonight was a meeting that if I had known who the real "sponsor" was, I'd not have wasted 2.5 hours of my life. Left with heartburn. The info they gave out to parents was outdated and so basically....untruthful. And the sheep just grazed on it. Most of the parents I meet do not take the time or initiative and educate themselves on what their children can get. Rather than educate themselves, they rely on others to do it for them. Unfortunately, the people they turn to have hidden agendas of whatever agency they are working for. I always question and find out for myself. Isn't that why we have curiosity? Rather than wait for the small amount (if any) the state/school/county decides to dish out, get up off your knees and go advocate for your child. Now if more parents did that, we would make changes for all the children in Georgia. One person's fight is not going to make a difference for many. Need a few to spread the word and educate parents to give them the power to fight. Quit relying on me to get your child what he needs if I can't rely on you to join me in the battle. I'm tired. Still looking for job. Economy sucks and wish I could get paid to do this. Then I could pay mys bills and also do good. Ugh... feel the need to have little feet walking up and down my spine. 10 second massage with mini tweezers hands and the "is that enough, mom" sounds like just what I need. Damn, they're asleep. Tomorrow.....


  1. I'm so glad that you're staying on top of it. You know you have to be your child's best and most diligent advocate. How sad for those kids whose parents don't get that.

  2. And because you deserve it, I've given you an award. If the rules are too much, do whatever you wish. But know that you are appreciated.
