The cast of characters will probably come and go and some may just be dropped kicked right off the stage but the permanent cast are the ones who are in my life whether I love them or not. Some of them I have to deal with due to fear, obligation and guilt. Hopefully they will exit offstage eventually but right now they absolutely refuse to budge. Others I legally have to put up with. And a few, I just absolutely love and can't imagine ever not having them in my life. Still working on their pseudonyms. Will try NOT to change them in future but hey, some words just fit personalities better.
The Cast:
Misdemeanor- My eldest child. He's 9 and a complete joy. He's also HFA and is doing great and smart as a whip. He's more like me in that he internalizes his stress. So hard to read what he's feeling but he's always willing to give hugs and kisses. I think I'll only have to pay a small fine in his teenage years.
Felony-He's the youngest at 6. Little vein of evilness is part of his makeup. Thinks being cute will excuse his behavior. It's working. With him, I'll probably have to second mortgage the house for his first offense.
X(unofficially but hopefully official soon) aka ..... (you fill in the blank) The names running through my head would make me wash out my mouth with soap.
X's family-Ummm, no comment at this time.
Next time, I'll finish introducing the rest of the cast known as Dysfunctional 'R Us or just known as my side of the family.
I like the names you chose. And yay! you added the follow thing on your side bar.