Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I blame the cat

Went to bed after midnight and did turn alarm on. Alarm went off. Hit the snooze button. Went off again and got up. Little dark outside. Hmmm. Made coffee. Woke up the kiddies and fed them breakfast. Drank coffee. Got their teeth brushed, dressed and ready for school. Crap, forgot cellphone upstairs. Actually looked at time on phone. WTF!?!?!?! 4:30 a.m. All crawled back in bed for 3 more hours. It's going to be one of those days, isn't it?
But hey, my day just brightened up by reading this: The British are showing brilliance in some of their choices of whom to exclude.


  1. When I saw this on your FB status is was all "oh no!" We've done that, though. It's bizarre.

    And definitely the work of evil cats.

  2. You know, Tuesday sucked for me, too. I called it 'Stinko de Mayo'.

  3. Still having a sense of humor about it. Must have been all that hair dye since HS that has soaked my brain. Which reminds me it's time to try a new color.
